

Looking for Teacher. When our teacher is available, every day at the Punta at 7am before sunrise on the Sierra.
1 hour, 20,000 copies

Aqua: H2O aquatic experience (not available from 19/09 to 23/10)

Aqua: H2O aquatic experience (not available from 19/09 to 23/10)

It is a meditation in movement, a dance and a massage, all at the same time.
At the end of the session, you feel a deep relaxation, a sense of fluidity and inner space. It is a very complete experience that has an impact on different levels of the being. It unblocks emotions, activates blood circulation by promoting immune system response, releases energy blockages and heals water and gestation-related trauma.

Workshop: from the farm to the plate

Workshop: from farm to table

Enjoy a morning tour of our organic farm in the mountains of Minca. Here you will learn all about permaculture, sustainable living and natural beekeeping techniques. Together with our vegan chef, you will harvest the freshest ingredients directly from our garden, to prepare and enjoy a 3-course vegan lunch. Reservations must be made no later than the day before.

Cocoa Ceremony

Cocoa Ceremony

Bianca will accompany you in taking a dose of organic mountain cocoa that increases the release of endorphins (the hormones of happiness), combined with deep breath work and shamanic chanting that creates an atmosphere that opens the heart and allows connection with the BEING.
This ceremony is useful for depression, insomnia and stress, among other emotional and mental problems.

Coffee Tour

Coffee Tour

Not to be missed at Mundo Nuevo. On the other side of the valley, our neighbors and dear friends Ana and Eugenio from Finca LA CANDELARIA, will be delighted to share their knowledge of the artisanal coffee harvest and process. Check out the schedule 🙂